Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and LOVE is definitely in the air! If you’re looking to make his heart fill with flutter and place a smile on his face, be sure to snag the Heartbeat Set from BouBouKi! It comes with sexy see through nippy covers, top (not shown), and a adorable mini skirt. I simply dressed this hot little number up with some bouncy curls, dark lipstick with hearts, and some sexy heels to complete the look.
Are you looking to spice things up this Valentine’s Day?
What KaMyla's Wearing?
Hair: Analog Dog ~ Scream Cheese (dark browns)
Earrings: IT! (Indulge Temptation) ~ Chandelier Earrings
Tattoo: Juna Artistic Tattoo ~ Sara Tattoo (available at the Liaison Collaborative until Feb. 28th)
Makeup: IT! (Indulge Temptation) ~ Gatcha Life Gift (available at the Gatcha Life Event until Feb. 28th)
Outfit: BouBouKi ~ Heartbeat Set (available at the Truth or Dare Affair 3 until Feb. 28th)
Poses Used: Salacity ~ Heart Shades Pose-Enabled Photo Prop (Gatcha) (available at the Truth or Dare Affair 3 until Feb. 28th)
Shoes: Hysterical ~ Venus Heels (available at the FitMesh Designer Expose)
Body Worn: Maitreya Lara

xx, Kamyla