While getting ready to surprise the hubby with a night that he surely won’t forget, I quickly ran into the closet and put on something I know he’d love, the Asia Lingerie from Envy Her. It’s so sexy and I just know without a doubt he’d love it. I must confess….I can’t wait until he takes it off and shower me with those sweet little kisses that he always plants all over my soft body.
I dressed-up the lingerie with some Evolve Frost Nude Nails from Kosmetik and to finish the look, I just threw the hair in a swept pony. I am definitely ready for tonight!
What KaMyla's Wearing?
Hair: Stealthic ~ Paradox (dark browns)
Necklace: RealEvil ~ Ti Amo Necklace
Pose Used: Kokoro Poses ~ Makeup (available at Fi*Friday from 1/18 - 1/24)
Body Worn: Maitreya Lara

xx, Kamyla
Photo Credit: My fiance, Christian Sorano