What woman doesn’t love cute underwear? If you’re looking to treat yourself to some nice underwear for v-day, look no further than the Naudi Panties and Bra Set from EPOCH!! It’s always about cute underwear for v-day, right? They’re an easy way to show him your flirty and confident side. Rawrrrr!
I simply wore some cute earrings and wore a curly pony and voila, pure sexiness!
What KaMyla's Wearing?
Hair: Analog Dog ~ Scream Cheese (dark browns)
Earrings: RYCA ~ Hoops Platinum (in letter C)
Underwear: Epoch ~ Naudi Panties and Bra (there's also a skirt) (available at the Truth or Dare Affair 3)
Pose Used: Salacity ~ .Love. Gaze Pose Set
Body Worn: Maitreya Lara

xx, Kamyla