Where's my Fiancé?

I had the craziest dream last night (and I mean it was crazy). In the dream, the strangest and oddest things occurred. I dreamed that myself and Christian were cyber fighting. We had to complete a mission and if we failed we’d lose each other (that’s what made the dream weird). There were four stages and each one was a test of our love. Level one was the most challenging because we didn’t know what to expect. Christian passed with flying colors but almost failed during level two. But I wasn’t going to let him fail (no I wasn’t). Level 3 was kind of a breeze because we knew what to expect and level four, well. We passed (YAY!).
What KaMyla's Wearing?
Hair: Stealthic ~ Paradox (browns)
Outfit: EPOCH ~ Peton Gamer Tank and Panties (available at Suicide Dollz)
Shoes: KC ~ Suami Heels (they're freebies) i
Prop Used: Crystal Poses ~ Cyber Fight Set
Body Worn: Maitreya Lara

xx, Kamyla