Make him fall in love with you all over again with the Minerva Bra and Panty Set from BouBouKi. He'll be mesmerized not only by your beauty but your smile (y'all thought I was going to say something else, huh? lol). Anyways, be sure to grab this bra and panty set today, he'll thank you.
What KaMyla's Wearing?
Hair: Analog Dog ~ Glamp (dark browns)
Earrings: RYCA ~ Hoop Platinum Earrings (letter C)
Undies: BouBouKi ~ Minerva Bra and Panty Set (available at the Grab Gold Event - starts Feb 1st).
Shoes: KC ~ Adore Heels
Body Worn: Maitreya Lara

xx, Kamyla