Whether you’re trying to be a sexy kitten or just want an outfit to spruce up your every day attire, the Meow set will make you look like the perfect pretty kitty. The Meow set features a crop shirt (you can wear the kitten and non-kitten version), a sexy meow panty (also comes in a plain version), and some sexy paw print socks. The outfit comes in several sexy colors and can easily be dressed up with some kitten ears, a paw print tattoo and some nice curly hair.
What KaMyla's Wearing?
Ears: RealEvil ~ Kitty Ears
Hair: Analog Dog ~ Vanessa (dark browns)
Tattoo: Mad ~ Paw Tattoo Hips
Outfit: EPOCH ~ Meow Set in Black and White (available at Suicide Dollz)
Body Worn: Maitreya Lara

xx, Kamyla