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Human Nature

Writer: KaMyla TaelynnKaMyla Taelynn

Every time I think of you, my heart steadily skips a beat. I dream of you constantly waiting for the day that we meet. I adore our conversations because they're filled with passion and heat. I can feel your body next to mine, which makes me shiver down to my feet. It's just human nature.

What's she wearing? Damn....she looks HAWT!

Hair: SINTIKLIA~ Kimberly (in Dark Blonde)

Earrings: RYCA ~ Diamond Stud Earrings Platinum

Eyes: IKON ~ Triumph Eyes *Hazel*

Nose Ring: PUNCH ~ Diamond Nose Stud

Fingernails: Gorgeous Dolls - Simple Pleasures (square tips)

Outfit: Valentina E. ~ Aly Sweater Ensemble MT Teal

Shoes: KC Couture ~ HEDY Heels

Pose Used: Ebano Poses ~ Serie Sweet

Head: Catwa ~ Catya v3.2

Body: Maitreya ~ Lara Mesh Body V4.1

Shape: Custom Made by Kamyla Sorano

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Hugs and kisses, Kamyla!



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